Buck (English)–“Male deer” Colt (Swedish and English)–“Young horse” Corbin (Latin)–“Crow” Fox (English)–“Wild dog” Lynx (Greek)–“Medium-sized wild cat with pointed ears and luminescent eyes” Pike (English)“Fish” Tiger (English)–“Largest living big cat species” or “...
Male and Female Names Like deer, and for no reason I can fathom, male gerbils and hamsters are called bucks. Females are does. Think of that old song, “Doe, a deer, a female … gerbil?” Say it with me now: Go figure! Baby Name What’s even more peculiar about these rodents is...
Royal Names for Boys, with names used for royal male babies in Britain and other European countries, including king names, prince names, and names of other male royal family members, with meanings, origins, and popularity
Bernie (German) –“Strong and brave bear”; can be a nickname for “Bernard” Bowser (Norman) –“Fine sir”; shelled beast (boss) in Nintendo games Bronco (Spanish) – Hispanic boy name meaning “wild horse” Bucky (English) –“Male deer”; the “Winter Soldier” in the Marvel univ...
SSA'schart shows the100 most frequently given namesfor male and female births in 2023 in Washington. rik/canva Get our free mobile app If you roll back to 1960, the most popular boy's name was David and the most popular girl's was Susan. ...
See our latest updated collection of unique baby boy names. This list with many sub categories, will definetly help you to find the best names for your boy.
Saint names here also include many names well-used throughout the centuries into the modern world. Familiar female saint names include Anne, Catherine, Elizabeth, and Teresa.Cool contemporary saint names for girlsinclude Adelaide, Calliope, Celestine, Jacinta, Susanna, and Phoebe. ...
red deerhindstag / hart salmonhencock animalfemalemale seahorseseamareseastallion sheepewe / damram / buck swanpencob termitecowbull tigertigresstiger turkeyhengobbler / stag / tom walruscowbull whalecowbull wolfbitch / she-wolfdog wolverineangelinewolverine ...
Explore the list below to discover the names for a female hedgehog, a male swan, and many others. animal ant antelope bear camel caribou cat chimpanzee chicken coyote crab crocodile deer female queen / worker doe sow / she-bear cow doe queen empress hen bitch hen / jenny cow doe male ...
However, Irish people have known for generations that Gaelic gives rise to some stunning and distinctive names. Looking for some naming inspiration for your baby boy? You need to go no farther than our collection of Irish male names. Share the legacy of ancient Irish monarchs, warriors, and ...