Fiona - Female mud wrestler, badly needs a shave. Fiyza - Very sexy, she knows it and she flaunts it Francess - A lovely lady even if she is as common as muck! Frankie - Wears leather underwear, if it's quiet you can hear her buzzing. Gabriel - An arse to die for but pads ...
Girl Name Ideas For Baby Girl #2 I wish I could have 44 kids so I could name them all! NataleeMJohnson's ABC Favorite Girl Names Amazingly Unique Names The Best, Most Exotic Girls' Names of All Time Fussy, Frilly Favorites Names I Like... Right Now Cool, Unusual Hebrew/Jewish name ...
Also applied to the female of other animals, as the rabbit. See the Note under Buck. noun (n.) A feat. [Obs.] See Do, n. euphroe noun (n.) A block or long slat of wood, perforated for the passage of the crowfoot, or cords by which an awning is held up. felloe noun (n....
1,000+ Male & Female Names Are you passionate about role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons, World of Warcraft, Pathfinder, and so much more? We know the importance of having a unique and captivating name for your characters. That’s why we’ve developed the Elf Names Generator, a ...
Green dragons often come into contact with mortals, both for better and worse. Animals, druids, and the night elves are often positive forces aiding and aided by the green dragons, while orcs, satyrs, and many other beings are often in direct conflict with them....
Allanon, brooding Druid-Mage of Terry Brooks' "The Sword of Shannara" Barid Bel Medar, Demandred, one of the Forsaken in Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time" Belgarath, The Eternal Man, David Eddings' "The Belgariad" Divayth Fyr, Telvanni Lord of Tel Fyr in "The Elder Scrolls III,...
One of the large sandstone blocks scattered over the English chalk downs; -- called also sarsen stone, and Druid stone. sashoon noun (n.) A kind of pad worn on the leg under the boot. sasin noun (n.) The Indian antelope (Antilope bezoartica, / cervicapra), noted for its beauty ...
ßurnßabyßurn - low lvl alt ( female gnome warlock, no explanation for this 1 ) Yvy - my main's name ( nothing special, just that i like how the name "looks" like ) After posting this i noticed that some1 really loved my ßurnßabyßurn nickname, in fact...
Suntßeat - low lvl alt ( in my language it means:"I`m drunk", obvious this char it's a Dwarf ) ßurnßabyßurn - low lvl alt ( female gnome warlock, no explanation for this 1 ) Yvy - my main's name ( nothing special, just that i like how the name "looks" like )...
Europeans often spoke of female corn spirits, either maidens, mothers, or grandmothers. Grain waving in the wind, for example, was said to mark the path of the Corn Mother. Such sayings may have come from ancient beliefs that grains were sacred to harvest goddesses such as Greek Demeter and...