The Handmaid\\u27s Tale by Margaret Atwood: examining its utopian, dystopian, feminist and postmodernist traditions Nineteen eighty-four, it seems, was a banner year for authors of dystopian literature. The world anxiously waited to evaluate the accuracy of a vision of the \\u22perfect society\...
utopiannoun(n.) An inhabitant of Utopia; hence, one who believes in the perfectibility of human society; a visionary; an idealist; an optimist. adjective(a.) Of or pertaining to Utopia; resembling Utopia; hence, ideal; chimerical; fanciful; founded upon, or involving, imaginary perfections;...
I, however, begin my approach to this question from a different place than the previously mentioned scholars. Wittgenstein’s “beetle” language-game inPhilosophical Investigationssuggest, in opposition of René Descartes, that based on the ambiguity of areferent(for example, “beetle...