Horsefly [ˈhɔːsflaɪ] 马蝇 Hummingbird [ˈhʌmɪŋbɜːd] 蜂鸟 Hyena [haɪˈiːnə] 鬣狗 Ii - Ibis [ˈaɪbɪs] 鹮 iguana [ɪˈɡwɑːnə] 鬣蜥 Jj - jellyfish [ˈdʒelifɪʃ] 水母 Kk - Kangaroo [ˌkæŋɡə...
Jota (Letter J, also a type of dance) Juerga (Slang for party) Jungla (Jungle) Justa (Just) Leona (Lioness) Luna (Moon) Luz (Light) Marea (Tide) Medusa (Jellyfish) Miel (Honey) Mimosa (Likes to be pampered) Mona (Monkey) Mora (Blackberrie) Morena (Dark skinned) Negra (Black) Ni...
- Eel: A long, slender fish with a snake-like body, found in both fresh and saltwater environments. - Jellyfish: A translucent, gelatinous marine animal, with tentacles that can sting. - Shark: A cartilaginous fish with powerful jaws and sharp teeth, known for its ...
Check the Green, Yellow and REd warning flags at the Red Cross Lifeguard centres before going for a swim. Green flag - safe for bathingYellow flag - bathe with cautionRed flag- bathing prohibitedJellyfish - Medusas Jellyfish Barcelona. Sometimes in the warmer months the Barcelona beach waters...
Babyotters, or pups, live with their mothers in dens, which must be in a secure location to protect them. They drink milk from their mother for the first 40 days before they start consuming plants and tinyfish. Baby Baboon: Infant
Jellyfish Mc-Saveloy Mouth Who Wants To Know O’Mighty Toasted Teacake Or even the unfortunate name: Neil Down Funny Name Change A Somerset teenager, George Garratt, aged 19, has changed his name to Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine Hulk, And The Flash Combined...
Jellyfishǰɛ́lifɪ̀šJellyfishMaleFemaleEphyra Or Fingerlings Octopusáktəpʊ̀sOctopusMaleHenLarvae Oysterɔ̀ystərOystersMaleFemaleSpat SharkšárkSharksBullFemalePup Shrimpšrɪ́mpShrimpMaleFemaleBaby TunatúnəTunaMaleFemaleYoung ...
crab, dolphin, fish, jellyfish, lobster, octopus, orca, penguin, ray, sea turtle, seagull, seahorse, seal, shark, shrimp, squid, starfish, swordfish, walrus, and whale Wild alligator, antelope, bear, bison, bobcat, buffalo, camel, cheetah, cougar, crocodile, deer, eagle, elephant, fox, ...
Jellyfishǰɛ́lifɪ̀šJellyfishMaleFemaleEphyra or Fingerlings Octopusáktəpʊ̀sOctopusMaleHenLarvae Oysterɔ̀ystərOystersMaleFemaleSpat SharkšárkSharksBullFemalePup Shrimpšrɪ́mpShrimpMaleFemaleBaby TunatúnəTunaMaleFemaleYoung ...
Jolly Jellyfish Kid’s College Little Blessings Little Hoots Mini Marvels Miniature Moose Mischief Makers Pitter Patter Playful Pals Playful Platypus Playtime Par-tay Rambunctious Raccoons Small Steps Snack Attackers Snappy Snakes The Little Sprouts Academy ...