ERROR: but there is no HDFS_DATANODE_USER defined. Aborting operation. Starting secondary namenodes [slave1] ERROR: Attempting to operate on hdfs secondarynamenode as root ERROR: but there is no HDFS_SECONDARYNAMENODE_USER defined. Aborting operation. 在/usr/local/hadoop/hadoop-3.0.3/sbin路径...
针对你遇到的错误 namenode-format is not command nor fully qualified classname,这里有几个可能的解决方案和检查步骤: 检查命令拼写: 确保你输入的命令是正确的。在Hadoop中,正确的命令是 hdfs namenode -format 而不是 namenode-format。可能是在输入时出现了笔误。 确认Hadoop环境变量配置: 确保Hadoop的环境...
如果它说command not found,就有可能它没有添加到users$path环境变量中执行。可执行文件本身应该存在于/...
processCommandFromActor()方法是BPOfferService处理名字节点指令的入口方法,BPServiceActor在工作线程的offerService()方法中接收到Namenode返回的指令后, 会调用这个方法处理名字节点指令。 boolean processCommandFromActor(DatanodeCommand cmd, BPServiceActor actor) throws IOException { assert bpServices.contains(actor);...
如果它说command not found,就有可能它没有添加到users$path环境变量中执行。可执行文件本身应该存在于/...
Looks like your namenode process is down due to "Port in use:". Check if any process occupying the port 50070. lsof -i:50070 If output shows nothing then can you please start the NN again and run the above command to see if NN process running on...
问题1 -bash: ifconfig: command not found 解决 由于ifconfig安装在/sbin目录下,所以先查看该目录下是否有ifconfig,先切换到/sbin目录 ls |grep ifconfig 啥也没有,说明/sbin目录下没有这个,用yum安装一下 yum install net-tools 再次报错 问题2 loaded plugins:fastestmir... ...
NameNode. This period is specified by thedfs.namenode.checkpoint.periodconfiguration item of HDFS. The default value is 3600s, namely, one hour. If the FsImage file in the data directory of the active NameNode is not updated, the HDFS metadata combination function is abnormal and requires ...
We copied the config from /hadoop-config/hdfs-site.xml to /etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml to overwrite the directory on the -recover command however, it appears that it is not recuperating as expected, please see the logs below for reference: 2024-02-22 14:54:54,663 ERROR namenode.Meta...
在 Hadoop 初始化后,如果 NameNode 无法启动,可能是因为以下原因:配置错误:可能是配置文件中存在错误...