The product information provided in this site is intended only for consumers in the United States. The products discussed on this site may have different product labeling outside of the United States. The health information described on this site is provided for educational purposes only ...
The terminal elimination half-life increased by 18%, 41%, and 95% in subjects with mild, moderate, and severe renal impairment, respectively, compared to healthy subjects. No dosage adjustment is recommended for patients with mild and moderate renal impairment. Dosage should be reduced in ...
No dose adjustment is recommended for patients with mild and moderate hepatic impairment. Memantine should be administered with caution to patients with severe hepatic impairment as the pharmacokinetics of memantine have not been evaluated in that population. Drug-Drug Interactions Use with Cholinesterase ...
Memantine is used for the treatment of moderate to severeassociated with Alzheimer's. Dementiacan be categorized into three levels of severity: mild in which patients are alert and sociable, but forgetfulness begins to interfere with daily living, moderate which often is the longest stage of the ...
(NMDA) re ceptor antagonist indicate d for the tre atm ent of m oderate to severe dem entia of the Alzheim ers type . ( 1) DO AGE AND ADMINI T RAT I ON May e taken with or without food (2) Initial dose is 5 m g once daily . Incre ase dose in 5 m g increm ents to a...