The product information provided in this site is intended only for consumers in the United States. The products discussed on this site may have different product labeling outside of the United States. The health information described on this site is provided for educational purposes only ...
A subset of 19 items, including ratings of the patient’s ability to eat, dress, bathe, telephone, travel, shop, and perform other household chores has been validated for the assessment of patients with moderate to severe dementia. This is the modified ADCS-ADL, which has a scoring range ...
namenda(memantinehcl)处方使用指导.pdf,NAMENDA - memantine hydrochloride tablet NAMENDA - memantine hydrochloride s olution NAMENDA - memantine hydrochloride Fores t Laboratories , Inc. HI GHLI GHT OF PRE CRIBING INFORMAT I ON T he se hig hlig hts do no t