针对您提出的问题 nameerror: name 'raw_input' is not defined,我将按照您提供的提示逐一进行解答: 1. 解释NameError异常的含义 NameError 是Python 中一个常见的异常,它表示在尝试访问一个未定义的变量名时触发的错误。在这个具体的例子中,NameError 指出raw_input 这个名称在当前的作用域中没有被定义或识别。
报了个 NameError: name 'ZhangHui' is not defined 错。 感觉可能是input语句写错了,查了下资料,input貌似写成单引号或者双引号都是对的。 不死心的张小白又用了单引号试了下,也是一样的错。 userlist=['Zhanghui','Huawei','IoT']bvalid=False count=3whilecount>0:userInput=input('Enter your name he...
Why do I get a "name error: name "..." is not defined " when I run this code and enter information? 0 Python programming: input variable is returning name error 0 Name error when calling function asking for input from user 1 NameError given after using input on python 1 "Name ...
name '_C' is not defined How to solve this issue? I pulled docker image with versions0.1.13and0.1.10. I also tried to build Docker image but the same error Other parameters: NVIDIA-SMI 520.61.05 Driver Version: 520.61.05 CUDA Version: 11.8 Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu ...
NameError: name 'biocode' is not defined Sorry, something went wrong. jorvisadded a commit that referenced this issueFeb 16, 2018 Corrected references to biocode.utils. Addresses issue#53 3e095dd jorvisclosed this ascompletedFeb 16, 2018...
1 Fibonacci function can not recurse - NameError: name 'fib' is not defined Related 4 Why isn't bpython3 debugging? 207 Step-by-step debugging with IPython 4 ipython post-mortem debugging: scope of outer function 1 debugger in ipython is not working 1 "NameError: global name ...
Python2 错误记录1File "<string>", line 1, in <module> NameError: name 'f' is not defined 2018-04-24 11:14 −Python 2下 count = 0 while count < 3: user = input('>>>') pwd = input('>>>') if user == 'wy' and pwd == '123': print... ...
;ipython-input-2-57ee07e6cc45> in <module>() ---> 1 t = Test()NameError:name'Test'isnotdefinedIn [3...最近学习Python的利用,扩展记录一下类的私有属性定义。 演示实例: 创建一个py文件,写入一个类属性的私有化。 #vim private.py1 class Test(object): 2 Django...