from decimal import Decimal from pyspark import SparkContext sc= SparkContext.getOrCreate( ) acTransList = ["SB10001,1000", "SB10002,1200", "SB10003,8000", "SB10004,400", "SB10005,300", "SB10006,10000", "SB10007,500", "SB10008,56", "SB10009,30","SB10010,7000", "CR10001,7000...
0 Pyspark: global name is not defined 15 Error in Spark while declaring a UDF 3 "cannot import name SparkSession" 6 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'sc' 0 Undetermined type error in Pyspark 6 'list' object has no attribute 'map' in pyspark 2 AttributeError...
PySpark NameError: name 'SparkConf' is not defined 6339查看caden L51 + 关注Ta 2017-01-07 11:08 来自: Spark RDD 简介与操作 使用 conf = SparkConf().setAppName("Shiyanlou").setMaster("spark://a8c8c33bdc2b:7077") Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in NameError...
Problem: When I am using spark.createDataFrame() I am getting NameError: Name 'Spark' is not Defined, if I use the same in Spark or PySpark
The error i get is Name Error: name 'spark' is not defined. That doesn't sound like it involves Jupyter Do i need to do something else in my notebook to get the "spark" reference recognised from the commandline? The call i am making is: jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute ...
Converting a column from string to to_date populating a different month in pyspark I am using spark 1.6.3. When converting a column val1 (of datatype string) to date, the code is populating a different month in the result than what's in the source. For example, suppose my source is ...
PySpark NameError: name 'SparkConf' is not defined 来自:Spark 大数据动手实验 caden L51 2017-01-07 11:08 2回复 6169查看 使用 conf = SparkConf().setAppName("Shiyanlou").setMaster("spark://a8c8c33bdc2b:7077") Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in NameError: name...