通过以上步骤,你应该能够定位并解决NameError: name 'file_path' is not defined的问题。如果问题仍然存在,请检查你的代码逻辑,确保file_path在使用前已经被正确定义和赋值。
NameError: name 'Path' is not defined I'm following the djangogirls tutorial and everytime my app attempts to collect static I end up with these errors, so I can't --nuke the server or create a superuser. The real problem with this error is that my settings.py stops at line 122, ...
But since it is in the tutorial itself, it could well throw off newbies. I did a search before posting and found this: App URLs Work With Re_Path Not Path #6763 I don't know if the two are related or not. This one certainly does not require an expert. [ x] Yes, I want to ...
如果Python环境变量没有设置正确,可以手动设置环境变量。在Windows系统中,可以在“控制面板”中找到“系统和安全”选项,然后选择“系统”,在左侧选择“高级系统设置”,在弹出的窗口中选择“环境变量”,在“系统变量”中找到“Path”变量,点击“编辑”,添加Python的安装路径即可。 如果Python解释器没有正确安装,可以重新安...
错误NameError: name 'xxx' is not defined总结 情况一:要加双引号(" ")或者(' ')而没加 情况二:字符缩进格式的问题 情况三:`if __name__=='__main__' :` 没有和`class类`进行对齐 情况四:NameError: name 'file' is not defined 情况五:NameError: name '模块' is not defined ...
【E-19】NameError: name ‘__file__‘ is not defined 回到顶部 一、问题源头 在notebook里面执行: import os #os.path.dirname(__file__)返回的是.py文件的目录 path1=os.path.dirname(__file__) print(path1) 回到顶部 二、原因 不能在jupyter(或者其他交互式)中这样写...
我写了一个python程序,报错NameError: name XX is not defined 求解 Python程序,错误NameError:名称XX未定义不是由声明引起的,需要在文件的前两行声明代码,声明方法是:1,在文件中写一个带有中文字符的python文件,不进行编码。2,当程序文件中有中文字符时,如果文件
原因分析:文件模式下,file显示文件路径,在交互模式下file显示不出来路径,所以就报错了。 错误示例: >>>import os>>>path=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))Traceback(most recent call last):File"<stdin>",line1,in<module>NameError:name'__file__'isnotdefined ...
NameError: name'__file__'is not defined. Did you mean:'__name__'? 最常见的错误原因是试图在交互式 shell 中访问__file__全局变量。 如果我们需要在交互式 shell 中访问变量,请尝试以下代码示例。 importos# 👇️ '/Users/jiyik/workspace/python/study'os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath('__file...
The reason is that the python Shell don’t detect the current file path__file__. Why does this error “name __file__ is not defined”? Here are the common reasons why the error occurs in your Python script: ❌ Using the file variable in the wrong context. ...