你需要确保 nltk 库已经被正确安装在你的Python环境中。可以通过运行以下命令来安装 nltk: bash pip install nltk 安装完成后,你可以在Python环境中尝试导入 nltk 来检查是否安装成功: python import nltk 如果安装成功,上述代码不会抛出任何错误。在代码中正确导入库: ...
Once you use the rightpipandpythonversions, you should be able to import nltk successfully. 3. No module named nltk in Visual Studio Code (VSCode) If you use VSCode integrated terminal to run your code, you might get this error even when nltk is already installed. This means thepythonandp...
NameError: name 'unicode' is not defined 解决思路 python版本升级问题原因导致:python2.7 → python3系列 解决方法 参考StackOverflow 大功告成!
This is my code import tweepy import re import json import pandas as pd import numpy as np from textblob import TextBlob import nltk import string api_key = "" api_secret_key = "" access_token = "" access_token_secret = "" auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(api_key, api_secret_key) auth....
已解决:NameError: name ‘python‘ is not defined 一、分析问题背景 在Python编程过程中,NameError: name ‘python‘ is not defined是一个常见的报错。这个错误通常发生在试图使用一个未定义的变量或函数时。在初学者和经验丰富的开发者中,这个错误都可能出现。下面是一个简单的代码片段,其中该错误可能会出现:...
NameError: name 'row' is not definedAsk Question Asked 7 years, 7 months ago Modified 7 years, 7 months ago Viewed 23k times -2 I am using the Python 3.6.1(IDLE) and counting the frequency of the pos_tag. My code is import csv import nltk with open('data.csv', 'rt') as f...
Requires: chardet, filetype, lxml, nltk, python-magic, requests, tabulate Required-by: Collaborator eyurtsev commented Aug 4, 2023 Hi @botchagalupe, If you have a full stack trace that would be more helpful (the one included in your previous response is abbreviated). Based on that stack...
【阅读】NLTK基础教程_用NLTK 和Python库构建机器学习应用 (1) - -,然后就可以去吃饭了E:\>python mywordfreq.py "thisislogo" Thisismy first python program...,这些词都适合吧 ---下面就是这这段话里面,搜索python这个词 = =,有的就输出一个句子 >>> 编程语言世纪之战!Python出征,寸草不生! )i...
而using 编译指令使所有的名称都可以用。 using namespace std; int main() { cout<<"aa";