@文心快码nameerror: name 'nn' is not defined 文心快码 在Python编程中遇到NameError: name 'nn' is not defined这样的错误,通常意味着你在代码中尝试使用了一个名为nn的变量、函数或模块,但是Python解释器在当前的命名空间中找不到它的定义。下面我将根据给出的提示,逐一分析可能的原因和解决方法: 确认'nn'...
import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F class Net(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(Net, self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 6, 3) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(6, 16, 3) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(16 * 6 * 6, 120) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(120, 84...
/Python/pycharm_project/test/mnist_chuji", line 52, in <module>\n DisplayArray(u_init, rng=[-0.1, 0.1])\n File "D:/Python/pycharm_project/test/mnist_chuji", line 15, in DisplayArray\n PIL.Image.fromarray(a).save(f, fmt)\nNameError: name \'PIL\' is not defined\n\nProcess ...
name '_C' is not defined How to solve this issue? I pulled docker image with versions0.1.13and0.1.10. I also tried to build Docker image but the same error Other parameters: NVIDIA-SMI 520.61.05 Driver Version: 520.61.05 CUDA Version: 11.8 Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu ...
NameError: name 'torch' is not defined NameError: name 'torch' is not defined System Info transformersversion: 4.32.0 Platform: Linux-5.19.0-38-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35 Python version: 3.10.9 Huggingface_hub version: 0.16.4 Safetensors version: 0.3.1...
编译tiny-cudann时候报错 Compilation error ptxas fatal : Value ‘sm_30’ is not defined for option ‘gpu-name’ 折腾了好久,参考这位老哥的github issue 解决了我的问题,在此记录一下。 错误复现 运行以下命令时爆红 cmake . -B build 先说结论 ...
Starting ZK Failover ControllersonNN hosts [nna nns]ERROR:Attemptingtooperateonhdfs zkfcasrootERROR:but thereisno HDFS_ZKFC_USER defined. Aborting operation. [root@nna hadoop-3.2.0]# jps2175NameNode2527Jps [root@nna hadoop-3.2.0]# 解决方法: ...
the new-smbshare is giving me the error below.$Username = Test## Name and Path for Personal drive folder $ComputerName = "contoso" $DriveLetter = "H" $Path = "Users" New-Item -Path \$ComputerName\DriveLetter$\Path\Username -type directory -Force New-SmbShare -Name $Username -Pa...
Volume Shadow Copy Service error: A critical component required by the Volume Shadow Copy service is not registered. This might happened if an error occurred during Windows setup or during installation of a Shadow Copy provider. The error returned from CoCreateInstance on class with CLSID {e579ab...
I preprocessed the dataset for training by running "nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess -t 5", but the program prompt error message "NameError: name 'join' is not defined" in nnunet\experiment_planning\experiment_planner_baseline_3DUNet_v21.py, n...