Kurti and Czako's "PowerPDF" CD-ROM version of their highly successful "Strategic Applications of Named Reactions in Organic Synthesis" is in an invaluable tool for specialists and non-specialists in organic chemistry. Like the print edition, this innovative reference work includes 250 full color ...
Strategic Applications of Named Reactions in Organic Synthesis 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 Kurti and Czako have produced an indispensable tool for specialists and non-specialists in organic chemistry. This innovative reference work includes 250 organic reactions and their strategic use in the syn...
ReactionsinOrganicSynthesis Backgroundand DetailedMecha- nisms.ByLaszlo KürtiandBarbara Czako.Elsevier, Amsterdam2005. 757pp.,softcover $ 94.95.—ISBN 0-12-429785-4 For the organic chemist engaged in syn- thesis, named reactions form a useful and very special vocabulary, as the name immediately co...
Kurti and Czako's "PowerPDF" CD-ROM version of their highly successful "Strategic Applications of Named Reactions in Organic Synthesis" is in an invaluable tool for specialists and non-specialists in organic chemistry. Like the print edition, this innovative reference work includes 250 full color ...
ChemInform Abstract: NAMED REACTIONS OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 7organic chemistry, reviewdoi:10.1002/chin.198407341BROSSI, M.KAENEL, H. R.WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHChemischer Informationsdienst
StrategicApplications ofNamedReactionsin OrganicSynthesis iii StrategicApplications ofNamedReactionsin OrganicSynthesis Backgroundand DetailedMechanisms by LászlóKürtiandBarbaraCzakó UNIVERSITYOFPENNSYLVANIA 250NamedReactions AMSTERDAM•BOSTON•HEIDELBERG•LONDON•NEWYORK•OXFORD•PARIS SANDIEGO•SANFRANCISCO...
谁有电子版? 谢谢 [ Last edited by 枫叶子2006 on 2008-4-29 at 22:53 ] 返回小木虫查看更多分享至: 更多 今日热帖关于叠氮反应的问... 环己醇,DMF-... 查尔酮合成总是出... 有机合成求助 C... 水杨醛类席夫碱的... 公司有机反应悬赏... 芳香烃脱叔丁基求... 甲酯与盐酸羟胺合...精华评论...
(b) provide brand new synthetic examples for all original 250 named reactions. Given the continued popularity and widespread use of the book worldwide, we decided to ask the organic chemistry community at large (e.g., students, postdocs, professors, researchers in the pharma and biotech industr...
(b) provide brand new synthetic examples for all original 250 named reactions. Given the continued popularity and widespread use of the book worldwide, we decided to ask the organic chemistry community at large (e.g., students, postdocs, professors, researchers in the pharma and biotech industr...
Kurti and Czako have produced an indispensable tool for specialists and non-specialists in organic chemistry. This innovative reference work includes 250 organic reactions and their strategic use in the synthesis of complex natural and unnatural products. Reactions are thoroughly discussed in a convenie...