boost的named_mutex的一些坑 最近遇到一个问题,程序在a用户下运行后,然后注销windows,登陆b用户,发现程序奔溃,抓了下堆栈,发现了boost的named_mutex一些细节,记录下 1 2 3 #include <boost/interprocess/sync/named_mutex.hpp> #include <boost/interprocess/creation_tags.hpp> boost::interprocess::named_mutex mu...
直到现在,为了在Windows下满足上述约束,开发者最常用的方法仍然是使用有名互斥体(named mutex)技术(参见5.7.2节…|基于25个网页 2. 已命名的互斥 mutex是什么意思_mutex的翻译_音标_读音... ... hgl::mutex1. 排斥访问类named mutex1.已命名的互斥mutex object1. 静音 ... ...
So you are saying that the mutex is created by one process running as a service under one account and that all access to the mutex take place in that same process using the same account? What version of Windows is being used? The user account under which the service runs belongs to whic...
typedef ipcdetail::windows_named_mutex internal_mutex_type; #undef BOOST_INTERPROCESS_USE_WINDOWS #else typedef ipcdetail::shm_named_mutex internal_mutex_type; #endif But define BOOST_INTERPROCESS_USE_POSIX_SEMAPHORES, boost using the posix semaphore, deadlock are also possible. You should use pos...
运行java -version出现Error: could not open `C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\i586\jvm.cfg'),...
I created a named event, named mutex, named semaphore and a named waitable timer. CreateEvent, CreateMutex, CreateSemaphore and CreateWaitableTimer were passed nullptr as the lpEventAttributes, lpMutexAttributes, lpSemaphoreAttributes and…
If you run the compiled example from two command windows, the second copy will throw an access violation exception on the call toOpenExisting(String). The exception is caught, and the example uses theOpenExisting(String, MutexRights)method overload to open the mutex with the rights needed to ...
第一個程式會使用CreateMutex函式來建立 mutex 物件。 請注意,即使有具有相同名稱的現有物件,此函式仍會成功。 C++ #include<windows.h>#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>// This process creates the mutex object.intmain(void){ HANDLE hMutex; hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL,// default security descriptorFALS...
STL中boost interprocess的named_mutex相当于什么 空无一人。 您必须下拉至特定于平台的 API