在Python编程中,遇到“name 'values' is not defined”这个错误,通常意味着在你的代码中尝试使用了一个未被定义的变量values。要解决这个问题,你可以按照以下步骤进行排查和修复: 确认'values'应该被定义的位置: 首先,你需要确定values变量应该在代码中的哪个位置被定义。这通常取决于你的程序逻辑。例如,如果values...
NameError: name 'dict_values' is not defined 调试定位到错误如下: qtaf 中 dist.py 第 216行错误,改成 requirements=repr(list(reqs)), 解决方案: 直接修改源码可以解决这个问题
install_requires=dict_values(['qtaf>=5.4.43', 'requests', 'faker']), NameError: name 'dict_values' is not defined 1. 2. 3. 4. 调试定位到错误如下: qtaf 中 dist.py 第 216行错误,改成 requirements=repr(list(reqs)), 1. 解决方案: 直接修改源码可以解决这个问题...
3. NameError name is not defined in Python 3 by providing default values: If the variable might not exist but still needs a value, we can use theget() methodfor dictionaries or provide default values using theor operatorin Python. Here is an instance: USA = {} default_value = 'Null' ...
XAML Values XAMLNameValue A string that conforms to the restrictions of the Silverlight XamlName grammar. See "Silverlight XamlName Grammar" section. Silverlight XamlName Grammar The following is the normative grammar for a string that is used as a Name / x:Name value in Silverlight. ...
One or both of the registry values ID and Svc with the REG_BINARY type under the DFS root registry path Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DFS\Roots\Standalone\<YourDfsStandaloneNamespace>, are missing.In this case, the DFS Namespace service can crash, stop responding or even ...
6.92 rsInvalidNumberOfFilterValues 6.93 rsInvalidOmittedExpressionScope 6.94 rsInvalidOmittedTargetScope 6.95 rsInvalidParameterNameNotCLSCompliant 6.96 rsInvalidParameterNameLength 6.97 rsInvalidPreviousAggregateInMatrixCell 6.98 rsInvalidPreviousAggregateInTablixCell 6.99 rsInvalidRepeatWith 6.100 rsInvalidReportDefin...
StructFormat This enumeration is not used. SystemColorMode SystemParameter Specifies the system parameter type. TabAlignment Specifies the locations of the tabs in a tab control. TabAppearance Specifies the appearance of the tabs in a tab control. TabControlAction Defines values representing TabControl...
winsock2.h 标头将 WSAEnumNameSpaceProviders 定义为一个别名,该别名根据 UNICODE 预处理器常量的定义自动选择此函数的 ANSI 或 Unicode 版本。 将中性编码别名与不中性编码的代码混合使用可能会导致编译或运行时错误不匹配。 有关详细信息,请参阅函数原型的约定。
The exception that is thrown when a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) is passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. ArgumentOutOfRangeException The exception that is thrown when the value of an argument is outside the allowable range of values as defined by the...