针对你遇到的 NameError: name 'win32con' is not defined 错误,以下是一些可能的解决步骤: 确认win32con模块是否已正确安装: win32con 模块是 pywin32 库的一部分,用于提供 Windows 特定的常量。首先,你需要确认是否已经安装了 pywin32 库。你可以通过以下命令来检查: bash pip show pywin32 如果这个命令...
When I run the command emsdk activate --global sdk-incoming-64bit, I get a bunch of normal output, and then an exception that says global name 'win32api' is not definedIt's coming from the function win_set_environment_variable_direct in the file emsdk. To be precise, the line that ...
'<eventname>' is not an event of '<containername>' '<expression>' cannot be used as a type constraint '<filename>' cannot be referenced because it is not an assembly '<function>' is not declared '<functionname>' is not declared (Smart Device/Visual Basic Compiler Error) '<functionnam...
不过看你的需求,应该是在tkinter中,在messagebox下有showinfo from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo(title='',message='')下面的是win32ui中的messagebox。另外,python低版本tkinter要写作Tkinter,好像也没有messagebox这个。win32ui.MessageBox int = MessageBox(message, title , style )Display a mess...
_WIN32_WINNT not defined. Defaulting to _WIN32_WINNT_MAXVER (see WinSDKVer.h) : A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed !> in c# . Check is object null - What are the options? .Net 4 File...
WSANOTINITIALIZED 尚未初始化WS2_32.DLL。 在调用任何 Windows 套接字函数之前,应用程序必须先调用WSAStartup。 WSA_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 内存不足,无法执行操作。 言论 WSAEnumNameSpaceProviders函数返回lpnspBuffer参数指向的缓冲区中可用命名空间提供程序的信息。 返回的缓冲区包含一个连续位于缓冲区头的WSANAMESPAC...
platform : win-64 user-agent : conda/4.5.11 requests/2.20.1 CPython/3.6.7 Windows/10 Windows/10.0.17763 administrator : False netrc file : None offline mode : False usage questions. Please ask that on their forums and/or channels. The only thing I can say is that you are not definin...
EntryPointMethodWin32Resources Once you have a reference to the CodeCompileUnit, it's time to get hold of the code generator for the desired language. The GetLanguageGenerator function instantiates a new instance of a language-specific code provider class derived from CodeDomProv...
Defines a method that opens a file from the current directory. IMessageFilter Defines a message filter interface. IWin32Window Provides an interface to expose Win32 HWND handles. IWindowTarget Defines the communication layer between a control and the Windows API.Enum...
Defines a method that opens a file from the current directory. IMessageFilter Defines a message filter interface. IWin32Window Provides an interface to expose Win32 HWND handles. IWindowTarget Defines the communication layer between a control and the Windows API.Enum...