LightmapData LightmapSettings LightProbeGroup LightProbeProxyVolume LightProbes LineRenderer LocationInfo LocationService LOD LODGroup Logger MasterServer MatchTargetWeightMask Material MaterialPropertyBlock Mathf Matrix4x4 Mesh MeshCollider MeshFilter MeshParticleEmitter MeshRenderer Microphone MonoBehaviour Motion Mo...
The ARKit namespace provides support for augmented-reality sessions, including both high- and low-level APIs for projecting computer-generated imagery into a video stream.Classes Bung rộng bảng ARAnchor A position, orientation, and scale that is located in the real world to which ...
📒 An ESM library module for rendering timeseries data using SVG in JavaScript. esm-obj ⚖️ esm-obj 🏷 3d, es-module, es-modules, esm, javascript, js, mesh, model, obj, wavefront, wavefront-obj 📒 A JavaScript ESM Wavefront OBJ 3D model file format parser library module esm...
Theme Engine to change the string value on a Text type object based on state changes Finds the first available component searching in order of TextMesh, Text, TextMeshPro, TextMeshProUGUI InteractableTextureTheme Theme Engine to change the texture on a GameObject based on state changes Interacta...
Called when the nav mesh agent comes within a certain threshold of its destination. OnDestroy Called before the machine is destroyed. OnDisable Called when the machine becomes disabled or inactive. OnDrag When draging is occuring this will be called every time the cursor is moved. OnDrawGizmos...
In creating a new programming interface for building Windows®-based client applications, the developers at Microsoft have decided not to deny this dualism, but to embrace and celebrate it. They have created an environment in which programming and markup boldly and intricately mesh in mutually supp...
Fixed some cases on Genesis Part 1 where the Explorer Notes would not unlock properly on the server Exintction Explorer Note #21 has been moved so it is no longer in the mesh Fixed a case where wild Snow Owls wouldn't be able to attack ...
A mesh that represents a recognized face, including shape and expression. ARFaceTrackingConfiguration AnARConfigurationfor recognizing and tracking faces. ARFrame A frame in an augmented-reality session. ARHitTestResult A result generated by theHitTest(CGPoint, ARHitTestResultType)method. ...
In creating a new programming interface for building Windows®-based client applications, the developers at Microsoft have decided not to deny this dualism, but to embrace and celebrate it. They have created an environment in which programming and markup boldly and intricately mesh in mutually supp...
The ARKit namespace provides support for augmented-reality sessions, including both high- and low-level APIs for projecting computer-generated imagery into a video stream.Classes Rozwiń tabelę ARAnchor A position, orientation, and scale that is located in the real world to which augmented ...