url = 'https://ihotel.meituan.com/hbsearch/HotelSearch'放到:wb = openpyxl.Workbook()的上面,即可
在Python中,当出现"name 'end' is not defined"的错误时,通常是因为在代码中使用了未定义的变量或函数名。要修复这个错误,可以采取以下几种方法: 1. 检查代码中是否存在...
Parameter Type Description id String Private zone ID, which is a UUID used to identify the private zone. name String Private zone name. description String Private zone description. email String Email address of the administrator managing the zone. zone_type String Private zone type. ...
Unchecked exception thrown when an unknown flag is given. UUID A class that represents an immutable universally unique identifier (UUID). Vector The Vector class implements a growable array of objects. WeakHashMap Hash table based implementation of the Map interface, with weak keys. Interfaces ...
datasetUUID String UUID of the dataset. This is unique identifier of a Flocker dataset Table 75 io.k8s.api.core.v1.GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource Parameter Type Description fsType String Filesystem type of the volume that you want to mount. Tip: Ensure that the filesystem type is supported ...
datasetUUID String UUID of the dataset. This is unique identifier of a Flocker dataset Table 79 io.k8s.api.core.v1.GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource Parameter Type Description fsType String Filesystem type of the volume that you want to mount. Tip: Ensure that the filesystem type is supported ...
On head of main Your current environment Collecting environment information... PyTorch version: N/A Is debug build: N/A CUDA used to build PyTorch: N/A ROCM used to build PyTorch: N/A OS: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (x86_64) GCC version: (Ubuntu ...
RFC 4122 A UUID URN Namespace July 2005 or privacy concerns make its use undesirable, Section 4.5 specifies two alternatives. Another approach is to use version 3 or version 4 UUIDs as defined below. Process for identifier resolution: Since UUIDs are not globally resolvable, this is not ...
This class is a Parcelable wrapper around UUID which is an immutable representation of a 128-bit universally unique identifier. ParcelUuid.InterfaceConsts PatternMatcher A simple pattern matcher, which is safe to use on untrusted data: it does not provide full reg-exp support, only simple glob...
2.Ubuntu默认root是关闭的,最好重新设置一遍密码:passwd root就能开启root (