Granuloma inguinale, while one of the five “classic” venereal diseases, is relatively rare in the United States; fewer than 100 cases are reported yearly. However, the disease is very common in subtropical and tropical climates; in some areas up 1:o 25% of the population are infe...
diseases & conditions can the change in temperature really make you sick? diseases & conditions why do stomach bugs make you throw up? diseases & conditions how do infections go airborne? diseases & conditions when does an epidemic become a pandemic? life science how bird flu...
After two months of airborne exposure and use of Leadoff~(TM) Foaming Soap at breaks and at the end of the workday, the geometric mean BLL for all work classifications increased to 18.1 μg/dl. Worker BLLs increased despite the reduction in the concentration of lead measured on workers' ...