What is the name of the thin layer that forms a sac around the embryo? a. The yolk sac b. The chorion c. The uterus d. The amnion Name the parts and layers of uterus. Select the correct answer. The [{Blank}] provides fetal nutrition and secretes hormones that regulate pregn...
The latter route is by way of the lymphatics from the lungs to the intestinal lymph nodes and the tubes. TUBERCULOSIS OF THE ENDOMETRIUM Grossly, the size and shape of the uterus may appear normal. The tuberculous process generally is localized to the endometrium, is most extensive in the ...
Millen also emphasizes “that the period when environmental agents may affect the development of an embryo is very short, being nearly over by the end of the eighth week of pregnancy". Organogenesis occurs from day 13 to day 60; teratogenic (G.teras,monster) agents are most dange...
This study demonstrates the presence of oxytocin binding sites in three different types of cell in the uterus of the rat. While the sites in the myometrium may be associated with the contractile response of this type of tissue to oxytocin, the functional significance of oxytocin binding sites on...
The fallopian tube arises embryologically from a common pathway organized to form the uterus, cervix, and upper third of the vagina.4 The process, initiated during the second month of development, starts by anteromedial rotation of the mesenchyme of the urogenital ridge. The paramesonephric ducts...
In patients in whom no disease exists and medical therapy has been unsuccessful, or when the patient is a poor surgical candidate, endometrial ablation is another alternative therapy. The purpose of endometrial ablation is to destroy the basal layers of the endometrium, preventing the regeneration of...
The central 2- to 3-mm stripe of high signal intensity represents the epithelium and mucous glands in the cervical canal. This stripe is surrounded by a 3- to 8-mm zone of low signal intensity representing the fibromuscular stroma, which is continuous with the junctional...