trade name- A name with the status of a trademark. trademark- A name, symbol, or other depiction identifying a product. The first trademarks were stamps and symbols used by ancient cultures to indicate who had made goods; a trade name is the name of the maker, not the product, but has...
From the 2017-2018 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a cross-sectional study was carried out, focusing on 3502 subjects who were 20 years of age or older. Using the US Department of Agriculture's Core Food Security Module, a determination of food security was made. After ...
Corn seeds are rich in starch and are a staple food source throughout the world. Aside from being a food source, corn is also used in biotechnology in the production of biofuel, among others. Answer and Explanation: Corn belongs under the family Poaceae. The family Poaceae or Gramineae con...
MYCORRHIZAL fungiIt is hypothesized that decreasing mean annual temperature and rates of nitrogen (N) cycling causes plants to switch from inorganic to organic forms of N as the primary mode of,N nutrition. To test this hypothesis, we conducted field experiments and collected natural-a...