43RohitFirst Red Rays of the Sun; Red; Horse Rider; Son of Raja HarishchandraHindu 44RishabhSuperior; An Avatar of Lord Vishnu; Second Note of Octave; MoralityHindu 45AtharvaName of Ganesha; The First VedasHindu 46AnkitNaughty; Interesting; Talented; Conquered; Printed or Written; Signet; Sym...
First nameVIVA's origin isOther.VIVAmeans "life". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes withVIVAbelow. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters ofviva.(Brownnames are of the same origin (Other) with ...
First name VIDA's origin is Other. VIDA means "dearly loved". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with VIDA below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of vida.(Brown names are of the same ...
The first and archetypal Miriam of the Bible is the sister of Aaron (Israel's priestly tradition) and Moses (Israel's legal tradition). Here are the women named Mary in the Bible — we'll have a closer look at these characters further below: Mary of Nazareth, the mother of Jesus (...
Detailed Meaning. Sumaiya is a variant of the feminine name Sumayyah, which is of Arabic origin and was the name of the first martyr of Islam. It was also the name of the mother of an important figure in early Islamic history. 37. ...
the “The Way of Life”. A much more complicated version can be be found in the Indian Vedas and in the Hebrew Cabbalas. More recently, discovered in Egypt, the great hieratic papyrus known as the “Book of the Master of the Secret House” was preserved at the library of the Louvre ...
of vital data in epic narrative. Texts like theTorah, the Odyssey and the Vedas contain much more than the stories that are obvious to all readers. Certain literary "keys" give access to vast depositories of science and meditations on the real world (1 Kings 4:33, Isaiah 22:22,Matthew ...
However, it is important to note that the popularity of the name 'Narada' may vary depending on cultural and geographical factors. Narada currently has no likes. Be the first to like this name.Vote for Narada Etymology of NaradaThe name 'Narada' has its origins in the Sanskrit language, ...
Be the first to like this name.Vote for Tulsi Etymology of TulsiThe name 'Tulsi' has its origins in the Sanskrit language, which is one of the oldest languages in the world. In Sanskrit, 'Tulsi' is derived from the word 'Tulasi', which means 'incomparable' or 'matchless'. This ...
“Did you first lose yourself, or me?” (2.60.9) The servant returns to the sabhā and asks Draupadī’s question to Yudhiṣṭhira, who remains silent. The Kauravas become enraged by what they perceive to be Draupadī’s defiance, and one of them, Duḥśāsana, goes to fetch he...