1.(Roman Catholic Church)RC Churchthe feast day of a saint whose name one bears 2.(Stock Exchange) another name forticket day Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Say the names of the days of the week. Diru la nomojn de la tagoj de la semajno. Tatoeba-2020.08 These "day names" have further meanings concerning the soul and character of the person. Tiuj "tagnomoj" havas pliajn signifojn pri la animo kaj karaktero de la persono. Wiki...
A parody of the "Lord of The Rings" style epic quest movie, we follow five household objects as they traverse suburban obstacles in search of their own holy grail, a Talk Talk TV household. They brave deserts, jungles, mountains and oceans (in reality the more humble obstacles created by ...
sixth day of the week, Old Englishfrigedæg"Friday, Frigga's day," fromFrige, genitive of*Frigu(seeFrigg), Germanic goddess of married love. The day name is a West Germanic translation of Latindies Veneris"day of (the planet) Venus," which itself translated GreekAphrodites hēmera. ...
holy, holy place, sanctum - a sacred place of pilgrimage mecca - a place that attracts many visitors; "New York is a mecca for young artists" nesting place - a place suitable for nesting overlook - a high place affording a good view crest, summit, top, peak, tip, crown - the top ...
In Tibetan-Mongolian astrology, we calculate the positions of the planets only up to Saturn, not the trans-Saturnian planets, and name the days of the week after the heavenly bodies, such as Sunday for the sun and Monday for the moon. 在藏蒙占星学中,对天体位置的计算,上限至土星而非土星...
1907.That'll be the day, expressing mild doubt following some boast or claim, is by 1941. Tocall it a day"stop working" is by 1919; earliercall it a half-day(1838).One of these days"at some day in the near future" is from late 15c.One of those days"a day of misfortune" is ...
Lastly, what if the child grows up into a princess? Choosing a gender-neutral name is the better and wiser option, in my opinion. ―Tap_Frolish 5/6/2023-9 Yes, this name is pure feminine!TSi-Mo-Nìya (Holy-Mother-of-Ours)Pronounced like (Tsei-Mo-Neeya)The name is not related ...
days from the date of the notice) [...] xingfa.com xingfa.com 通告須另訂日期(不早於該通告送達日期起計十四(14)日屆滿之時),以規定須在該日期或之前繳款,該通告亦須述明付款 地點,有關地點可為註冊辦事處或登記辦事處或相關地區内的 另一地點。
POLITICO Playbook The unofficial guide to official Washington, every morning and weekday afternoons.Sign up Follow Us Sep 2024 Plot twist: Hungarian leader Viktor Orbán was mentioned in the debate before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Russian leader Vladimir Putin or Ukrainian Preside...