What is the name of the ionic compound with the formula CsF? Name the following ionic compound: Ca(NO3)2 What is the name of the ionic compound CaI2? Write the name of the ionic compound with the formula BaI2. What is the name of the ionic compound CrCl3? What is the name of the...
It is important to know the chemical formula since it will provide information on what elements are involved in making the compound. From this, we can predict some chemical properties or behavior of the compound. From the chemical formula of the compound, you can determine the name of the ...
A new niobate crystal was synthesized for the first time in BaO-Na2O-Co2O3 -Nb2O5 system by solid state reaction and the flux method. The new compound was studied by X-ray diffraction, electron probe. N-ray microanalysis, chemical analysis and SEM. The result of the X-ray diffraction ...
The data indicate a solubility in good agreement with previous studies of the system Na2O-Fe0.05O-SiO2. From the variation in FeO activity, the activity of sodium disilicate in glass solution was calculated; from these combined data, partial molar free energies and entropies of solution of FeO...
The crystal structure of the new barium borate Ba5(BO3)2(B2O5) is established ( R = 0.0436). Single crystals were grown by spontaneous crystallization in the BaO-B2O3-Na2O system using the flux method. This compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic system, sp. gr....
Cu2O–Na2O–K2O systemKNaO compoundthe theory of subregular ionic solutionsThermodynamic simulation of phase equilibria is carried out, allowing us to calculate the liquidus lines for the phase diagrams of the Cu~(2)O–Na~(2)O, Cu~(2)O–K~(2)O, and K~(2)O–Na~(2)O oxide binary ...
PURPOSE: To provide the compound improve the in ion conductivity by sintering the mixture of Na2CO3, TiO2 and Ga2O3. ;CONSTITUTION: A mixture (N) comprising Na2CO2, TiO2 and Ga2O3 or substances producing the Na2CO3, the TiO2 and the Ga2O3 in a x:4-2x:4+x, or the Na2CO3, the ...
The compositional relationships among sodium‐substituted calcium silicate hydrate, calcium‐substituted sodium silicate hydrate, calcium bydroxide, a quaternary compound of approximate composition 0.25Na2O· CaO · SiO2· 3H2O, sodium hydroxide monohydrate, and miscellaneous sodium silicate hydrates are ...
A new invariant endothermic reaction was detected for the compositions between 40 ≤ x ≤ 45 mol%. Na2O.8TeO2 (11.11 mol% Na2O) compound that was claimed to exist in the binary system in the literature was found to be the metastable δ-TeO2 phase.Kutlu...
Synthesis experiments were conducted in the quaternary system K2O–Na2O–CaO–SiO2, resulting in the formation of a previously unknown compound with the composition K0.72Na1.71Ca5.79Si6O19. Single crystals of sufficient size and quality were recovered from a starting mixture...