Same as Hematoidin. hematoidin noun (n.) A crystalline or amorphous pigment, free from iron, formed from hematin in old blood stains, and in old hemorrhages in the body. It resembles bilirubin. When present in the corpora lutea it is called haemolutein. hesperidin noun (n.) A ...
A substance, in the form of reddish brown, microscopic, prismatic crystals, formed from dried blood by the action of strong acetic acid and common salt; -- called also Teichmann's crystals. Chemically, it is a hydrochloride of hematin. humin noun (n.) A bitter, brownish yellow, amorphous...
What is the common name for ethanoic acid? Acids: In chemistry, an acid is a solution that has a pH level of below 7. Acids have more hydrogen ions than bases do. Common liquids such as orange juice, tomato juice and urine are all acids. ...
When fats or oils are exposed to air, they react with the oxygen or water vapor to form short-chain carboxylic acids. The short-chain acids are volatile and have unpleasant smells and tastes. For example, the strong smell and sour taste of vinegar are due to acetic acid, a two-carbon ...
Subacid Subacute Subdued Subdural Subfusc Subgross Subhuman Subject Sublime Sublimed Sublunar Subsonic Subtle Suburban Succinic Suchlike Sudden Suety Sugared Sugary Suitable Suited Sulcate Sultry Summery Sunbaked Sunlit Sunset Super Superb Superior Supernal Supine Supreme Sure Surface Surgical Surly Swank ...
It is obtained in the purification of crude petroleum, and is used as a refregerant. styrolene noun (n.) An unsaturated hydrocarbon, C8H8, obtained by the distillation of storax, by the decomposition of cinnamic acid, and by the condensation of acetylene, as a fragrant, aromatic, mobile ...
An alloy of lead and tin, of which the Chinese make tea canisters. cerealin noun (n.) A nitrogenous substance closely resembling diastase, obtained from bran, and possessing the power of converting starch into dextrin, sugar, and lactic acid. coaling noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Coal ...
The act of making acetous or sour; the process of converting, or of becoming converted, into vinegar. acetin noun (n.) A combination of acetic acid with glycerin. achaean adjective (a.) Alt. of Achaian achaian noun (n.) A native of Achaia; a Greek. adjective (a.) Of or ...
A white crystalline nitrogenous substance (C6H4N4O5) obtained by the reduction of parabanic acid; -- called also leucoturic acid. palanka noun (n.) A camp permanently intrenched, attached to Turkish frontier fortresses. palanquin noun (n.) An inclosed carriage or litter, commonly about ...
acetarynoun(n.) An acid pulp in certain fruits, as the pear. acetimetrynoun(n.) The act or method of ascertaining the strength of vinegar, or the proportion of acetic acid contained in it. acetositynoun(n.) The quality of being acetous; sourness. ...