遇到“NameError: name 'stackingregressor' is not defined”这个错误时,通常意味着Python解释器在你的代码中找不到名为stackingregressor的类或函数。以下是一些可能的解决步骤和原因: 确认类名或函数名是否正确: 在Python中,类名和函数名通常是大小写敏感的。确认你是否想要使用的是StackingRegressor而不是stackingre...
However when I try to convert the above pipeline (specifically with a StackingClassifier) to onnx, I get this: RuntimeError: Not all operators have been evaluated. A variable name is probably misspelled. With the only operator being is_eval=None as this one: Operator(type='SklearnLinearClas...
The control distribution of the classifier is estimated using the empirical CDF estimate. Similarly, the ROC curve, the distribution of the resulting case observation false-positive rate values, is estimated using the empirical CDF. Note the footnote in the roctab plot. By default, roctab will ...