Achievement: Poetic Pages The dreams someone weaves into being are false, but they nonetheless point toward something real. There must be an eternity forged from "memory" at the end of this path. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Imaginarium Theater: The First Folio" Achievement: ...
My cousin is Tabitha/Tabby, and she is the only Tabitha I know. Something about the way this name sounds is pleasant and kind, and also sweet but crazy in a good way. ―Anonymous User 4/29/20199 Tabitha St. Germain (born July 22nd, 1976) is a Canadian voice actress who’s famous...
I’s so mad cause Pa always told me I should ask when I need something, and here I was asking and he ain’t doing nothing but minding some stranger without manners enough to share. I must of said as much cause Pa said I’s being disrespectful and to wait outside till I find my ...
Something I would purchase time and time again – and what I think is anincrediblegap in the market right now – is pre-written content good enough to put on a site and promote with ads or outreach, even if it had BrandBucket-equivalent pricing to match. I’m going to talk about this...
They want the destination more than the process. They want the comfort and resolution that comes from having completed the work. They do not revel the toil. They do not want the discomfort that comes from unresolved characters or un-researched topics. ...
), giving the player something entirely fresh with each entry! More info about the Fifth Collection coming Monday! Want to Catch Up with the Horror?Grab the DreadXP Publisher Bundle! It includes Collections 1 - 4, as well as other titles published by DreadXP! You can't go wrong with a...
This book was devastatingly beautiful。 Hoover’s ability to make the reader and main character’s brains one in the same is so fucking cool。 When something hits them, it hits you too and you don’t realize it until it’s happened。 Really great book!!
“The [Moms for Liberty] group, because they have some type of mental illness, they felt I had an agenda,” Leaven told VICE News. “They took all of this as a threat and something that I was bringing to the district and that I was going to destroy the district.” ...
Charlotte is okay. It bugs me when someone has one of those names, but doesn't go by Charlie! I prefer Charlie as a given name most, because that means their name isn't Charles or Charlene or something plain like that. ―harry_sent_me 9/24/2007...