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Researchers said theinflammationcaused by excess sugar is the number one contributor to depressive thoughts. They recommend non-processed foods, particularly those rich in plant-based and Omega-3 fatty acids, in order to com...
Choosing the perfect name for your food truck is the first step toward building a thriving business. In this blog post, we've curated a list of catchy and creative food truck name ideas to make your taste buds tingle with anticipation. We'll also share essential tips to ensure your name ...
A juice bar is a smart business idea for an operator that’s passionate about health, wellness, and customer service. Consumers are gravitating toward healthier, plant-based foods, and they desire products that are good for their health and the environment. There’s never been a better time ...
I’ve had the opportunity to interview all sorts of snack food founders through this website. One of my personal favorites has to be withSnacktivist Foodsbased in Idaho. Snacktivist specializes in baking mixes and baked good using ancient grains. The company was founded by Joni a full-time...
Until then, there’s a gray area for new producers in this emerging market. NewYork-basedCHKP Foods, which makes vegan yogurt with chickpea protein, made sure its packaging and branding was clearly marked for American consumers. “First, we made sure that we’re not breaking any law,” sa...
Some food products have similar designations (tamales, jam, macaroni, whisky), but others don’t (milk, noodles). Milk, in particular, is something of a cautionary tale for the rice industry, as consumers have steadily switched to plant-based alternatives, cutting sharply into dairy industry ...
Oat milk may be one of the more neutral and creamier options you will find in a plant-based milk. Though it is low in protein, some brands fortify it with bone-boosting nutrients like calcium and vitamin D. And, without imparting much of its own flavor into the mix, you can elevate ...
Below are some interesting quotes from "The China Study" (please read the full book for more complete information): Page 21: "So, what is my prescription for good health? In short, it is about the multiple health benefits of consuming plant-based foods (i.e. vegetables, fruits, nuts etc...
Animals are organisms that must consume food in order to receive necessary nutrients and molecules for survival. Some animals eat only plants, while others only eat the flesh of other animals. Answer and Explanation:1 The name of animals that only feed on flesh is carnivore. Carnivores ar...