Universal Remote:Use your TV’s remote to control your connected devices, such as Blu-ray players, DVD players, and game consoles. You must register the devices using the instructions on the screen. The TV’s output will automatically switch to the external device when you connect it. When ...
using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient; using Azure.Identity; const string defaultScopeSuffix = "/.default"; string connectionString = GetConnectionString(); DefaultAzureCredential credential = new(); using SqlConnection connection = new(connectionString); connection.AccessTokenCallback = async (authParams, ...
This namespace gives your UWP app access to devices that support the Human Interface Device (HID) protocol. Device Support This namespace supports most HIDs. However, it does not provide access to top-level application collections (TLCs) represented by t
A UWP app that accesses a USB device must include specific device capability data in the capabilities node of its manifest. This data identifies the device and its purpose (or function). Note that some devices may have multiple functions. ...
Not sure what would cause this on only some devices Maybe there's an architecture you aren't publishing? @jonathanpeppers @jonpryor ? 2024-04-29 11:41:36.561 21831-21831 monodroid-assembly com.companyname.MobileApp W open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Net.Primitives.dll 2024...
Represents a display device or multiple display devices on a single system. ScrollableControl Defines a base class for controls that support auto-scrolling behavior. ScrollableControl.DockPaddingEdges Determines the border padding for docked controls. ScrollableControl.DockPaddingEdgesConverter A TypeConvert...
A notification that UIKit posts when there’s a change to the currently paired hearing devices. invertColorsStatusDidChangeNotification A notification that UIKit posts when the settings for inverted colors change. monoAudioStatusDidChangeNotification A notification that UIKit posts when system audio cha...
hwVbstVlanNumExceeded:indicates that the number of VLANs running VBST has exceeded the upper limit, and the VBST function may not take effect on some VLANs. hwVbstVlanNumResumed:indicates that the number of VLANs running VBST has restored to the normal range. Default switch status Status of...
hwVbstVlanNumExceeded:indicates that the number of VLANs running VBST has exceeded the upper limit, and the VBST function may not take effect on some VLANs. hwVbstVlanNumResumed:indicates that the number of VLANs running VBST has restored to the normal range. Default switch stat...
On the Mac, it is possible for an app to choose one or more audio input and/or output devices to work with, independent of the system input/output device selection. However, I don't see any reason why a Mac Catalyst audio app couldn't or shouldn't operate the same way on Mac as ...