Name the following inorganic compounds: 1. K_2SO_4 2. NH_4Cl 3. Mg(NO_3)_2 4. FeCl_3 5. NaHCO_3 Give the formula and the name of the inorganic compound formed from the combination of NH4+ and SO42-. What is the name of the compound with the fo...
From the chemical formula, we can predict the structure, the possible reactivity, the polarity, and the name of the compound. In some cases, the chemical formula may give us the hint in deducing the name but it is different for large molecul...
Figure 1. Some compounds found or used in petroleum. mixture that gives the same amount of knocking as the gasoline being measured. Thus, a high octane number means a low amount of knocking. Presently there are two octane scales, a research octane number (RON) and a motor octane number...
1. You can get free samples for some products,only need to pay the shipping cost . 2. We have our own quality control department will provides quality control reports before shipment. 3.We can accept third party inspection. 3. How long is lead time, and how should ...
Inorganic Analysis The slides will loop 4 times. If you cannot answer completely, answer the next question. There are 15 slides Some are easy, some require. Precipitation Reactions Balancing Equations Interactive Bonding Precipitate Testing. ...
Process Wastes : These are from inorganic process wastes and organic process wastes. Inorganic process wastes are present in the effluents from chemical industries, electroplating industries, metallurgical and petroleum industries etc. These are mainly toxic but do not generally produce biological problems...
Sb3+-activated CdWO4 phosphors were designed according to sp energy levels regularities of Sb3+ ion in some inorganic compounds. The sp energy levels regularities of Sb3+ in dozens of compounds were established with the aid of the dielectric theory of the chemical bond for complex crystals: EA...
Ce(IV) compounds include soluble salts that are orange or red in color. Ceric sulfate crystals are orange, as are some complexes in which Ce(IV) is present in the anion . Diammonium hexanitrocerate (NH 4 ) 2 [Ce(NO 3 ) 6 ], for example, is strongly red. ...
Colorantcanmakeplastichaveallkindsofbrightandbeautifulcolors.Commonlyused organic dyes and inorganic pigments as colorants. 6, lubricant The function of the lubricant is to prevent the plastic from sticking on the metal mold during molding, and to make the surface of the plastic smooth and beautiful...
Examples for the coordination numbers 4, 5 and 6 are given and discussed in detail. Some general conclusions with respect to those geometries, which are stabilized most by the Jahn-Teller effect, are given.D.FachbereichReinenFachbereichInformaworldComments on Inorganic Chemistry...