random_state=42) # 初始化StratifiedKFold skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=42) # 初始化分类器 clf = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=42) # 遍历StratifiedKFold的分割 for train_index, test_index in skf.split(X, y): X_train, X_test = X[train_index], ...
administration of SKF-38393 did not affect the locomotion of mice, the intra-NAc administration of SKF-38393 significantly increased the locomotor activity in sensitized mice, suggesting that sensitized mice present functionally hyperresponsive D1Rs in the NAc. Both i.p. and intra-NAc administration...
SKF-525A, an inhibitor of epoxygenases, significantly augmented the lipopolysaccharide-provoked synthesis of PGE2 in cell culture in a concentration-dependent manner. It did not affect, however, elevation of the expression of COX-2 protein in monocytes stimulated with LPS. 11,12-EET also did not...