void FindAll(vector<Node*>&, const T&); Node* Find(const T&) const; Node* GetNode(int& ) const; Node* Head() const; Node* Tail() const; void AddHead(const T&); void AddTail(const T&); void AddNodesHead(const T&, int); ...
命名空间范围的所有标识符都无需限定即可相互显示。命名空间外部的标识符可以通过使用每个标识符的完全限定名称来访问成员,例如 std::vector<std::string> vec;,或者通过使用单个标识符的声明(使用 std::string),或者使用命名空间中所有标识符的 using 指令(使用命名空间 std;)。头文件中的代码应始终使用完全限定的...
=RSTUDIO_CORE_PLATFORM_WIN32template<typenameT>staticconstexpr autoname_pretty(){//name_detail() is like: static constexpr const char* ecs::MetatypeHash::name_detail() [with T = rstudio::math::Vector3]std::string_view pretty_name=name_detail<T>();std::string_view prefix="static cons...
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.PackedVector Namespace Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder Namespace Microsoft.Internal Namespace Microsoft.Internal.Pivot.Controls Namespace Microsoft.Internal.Pivot.Interactivity Namespace Microsoft.Internal.Pivot.Utilities Namespace Microsoft.Internal.Pivot.Views Namespace ...
OpacityAnimation, TranslationAnimation, OffsetAnimation and ScaleAnimation, or custom ones such as ScalarAnimation and Vector3Animation). Adding incompatible elements cannot be validated at build-time, but will result in a runtime crash. Animations will monitor for changes in real-time to any of ...
* * The ORSet has a version vector that is incremented when an element is added to * the set...yet seen that, or that B removed it and A has not yet seen that?...* * It has similar semantics as an [[ORSet]], but in case of concurrent updates * the values are...
VectorEnumeratorBase<TValue> Supports simple iteration over any STL/CLR object that implements theIVector<TValue>interface. Interfaces IDeque<TValue> Defines the interface of an STL/CLRdequeobject. IHash<TKey,TValue> Defines the interface of the STL/CLRhash_map,hash_multimap,hash_set, andhash...
(docFiles, vignetteIndexRDS) pkgInfo <- vector("list", 3L) readDocFile <- function(f) { if (basename(f) %in% "package.rds") { txt <- readRDS(f)$DESCRIPTION if ("Encoding" %in% names(txt)) { to <- if (Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") == "C") "ASCII//TRANSLIT" else "" tmp ...
Four Double values describe the Left, Top, Right, and Bottom sides of the rectangle, respectively. ValueSource Reports the information returned from GetValueSource(DependencyObject, DependencyProperty). Vector Represents a displacement in 2-D space. Interfaces Expand table IContentHost This ...
Four Double values describe the Left, Top, Right, and Bottom sides of the rectangle, respectively. ValueSource Reports the information returned from GetValueSource(DependencyObject, DependencyProperty). Vector Represents a displacement in 2-D space. Interfaces Expand table IContentHost This ...