key only 3 DSA [RFC 2536] - MANDATORY 4 reserved for elliptic curve crypto 5-251 - available, see Section 11 252 reserved for indirect keys 253 private - domain name (see below) 254 private - OID (see below) 255
Trademark protections for domain names are mandatory under the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, according to the intellectual property chapter released on Nov. 5 by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative. The chapter requires signatory countries to enact anti-cybersquatting remedies to ...
Becoming a signatory of the Tech Talent Charter, continuing our commitment to address inequality in the UK tech sector and drive inclusivity. Mandatory Inclusive Hiring training and Conscious Inclusion training. The Inclusive Hiring training is designed to educate hiring managers on how bias ...
Employer Identification Number (EIN): ByPrinted NameTitle STATE OF ) COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20 by the Authorized Signatory of for and on behalf of the Owner. More Definitions ofPrinted Name ...
Bank Name : AccountHolder Name: Account No : Account Type : Branch Code : NB: Please ensure that the bank details are clear and accurate for the correct Refund of your Registration Deposit. SOLE / FIRST APPLICANT'S DETAILS # Mandatory Name# Date of Birth/Incorporation#DDMMYYYY Gender# (plea...
Taking control of a large number of Aboriginal settlements, the Government instituted the following measures: supply of additional police to affected communities; mass health checks for Aboriginal children, initially mandatory but changed to voluntary; new restrictions on alcohol, kava and pornography; ...