NCERT solutions for CBSE and other state boards is a key requirement for students. Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year pap...
Examination of endogenous maternal serum estrogen and progesterone levels in Norlestrin-treated monkeys (25 mg/day, days 21-35) suggested that placental steroidogenesis was not affected; however, the lower levels of estrogen in maternal serum suggested that the ovarian steroidogenesis was affected. ...
The hormonal control seems to include an inhibitory effect by progesterone and activation by increasing estrogen levels. Corticotrophin releasing hormone, prostaglandin and a changed estrogen/progesterone ratio has been suggested to be involved in the initiation of labor. Intravenous infusion of oxytocin...
Another evolving theory is that FHA is a spectrum of reduced gonadotropin secretion due to variable expression of a genetic form of anovulation.26This has been seen in males who show reversible hypothalamic hypogonadism and an identifiable genetic mutation (see below).27At the present time, similar...
A substantial rise in plasma aldosterone levels occurs in association with these changes, but the effects of aldosterone on the distal renal tubule are antagonized by the high circulating levels of progesterone. ACTIONS OF STEROID HORMONES Steroid hormones bind to specific receptors in target tissues....
enormous rises in sex steroids during pregnancy are unpredictable. Increased estrogen levels decrease the seizure threshold for both focal and generalized seizures, whereas the converse is true for progesterone. Both hormones increase during pregnancy. The net effect on the seizure threshold is ...
The high levels of progesterone and proportionally lower levels of estrogen during the luteal phase may contribute to the preferential release of FSH at this time. This increase in FSH is critical for the initiation of follicular recruitment during the early follicular phase of the ...
atretic follicles are found almost 100% of the time. Native prolactin both stimulates and inhibits corpus luteum function. It appears to be involved in the induction of LH receptors that stimulate progesterone synthesis.In vitro, however, very high levels of prolactin have been found to inhibit bo...
without adequate estrogen results in bleeding of variable duration as seen in low-dose estrogen breakthrough bleeding. This is the pattern of bleeding that can be seen with long-acting progestin-only contraceptive methods such as Norplant and Depo-Provera and the progesterone-only birth control pill...