“We have Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19-Vaccine in potentized form up to D30 as globules or dilution (for discharge) in stock.” The chamber of pharmacists countered with a warming under the heading “Facts instead of Fake News” on Facebook and Instagram: “Whatever they might contain: ...
All three major Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ manufacturers have unveiled new names for their ‘fully authorized’ jabs, even as two pharmaceutical companies await FDA approval for their products. Following the lead of Pfizer/BioNTch, which branded its ‘fully authorized’ (and oddly, unavailable) ...
What is the COVID-19 vaccine and how does it work? Vaccines help us protect ourselves by training our bodies to fight an illness-causing virus. The first COVID-19 vaccines do this by using a molecule called "messenger RNA," or "mRNA." The mRNA teaches cells to...
removable for cause. But here we are nonetheless. In California, justices of the Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal are appointed by the Governor, with periodic referenda on whether to “retain” them.
1) You'll need to present proof of completed vaccination; specifically, on the day of the event the individual must provide documentation indicating that at least 14 days have passed since the individual received the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, or at least...
FDA approves Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for COVID-19, vaccination rates slowly begin to increase Claire Lawrence, Staff Writer September 13, 2021 New, controversial laws stir up mixed feelings among Texans Claire Lawrence, Staff Writer September 9, 2021 Kacey Musgraves reaches for the sky wit...
Dentons Flashpoint Daily Global Situation Report March 1, 2021 Global Situation Update: March 1, 2021 US FDA authorized Johnson & Johnson's single-dose COVID-19 vaccine. KEY TAKEAWAYS Myanmar police fired on protesters on Sunday in the bloodiest day of weeks of demonstrations against a military...