Half-rotten straw, or any like substance strewn on the ground, as over the roots of plants, to protect from heat, drought, etc., and to preserve moisture. verb (v. t.) To cover or dress with mulch. mutch noun (n.) The close linen or muslin cap of an old woman....
The Boston Marathon carnage in one of America’s most liberal and pro-Obama cities. This is pure evil. The Muslim Brotherhood-sponsored gangs (Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and others) are now celebrating the death of innocent people in Boston, probably the most LIBERAL-DEMOCRATIC city in Am...
including the Malay, Dayak, and Chinese communities. The population of West Kalimantan is also characterized by various religions, such as Islam, Christianity, and Konghucu, reflecting the island’s multicultural landscape. While conflicts in the past may have been...
The word Earth is of Indo-European origin. Semetic languages (Aramaic, Arabic, Hebrew, others) are not related. Still, it’s interesting the Arabic word is ardd. Ilya November 19, 2015 2:53 am I have found this word (source of this word) in Arabic dictionary and it’s meaning cravi...
〖Mugong-thekingofQinstateinthespringandAutumnPeriodinChina〗就是秦穆公,春秋时五霸之一。缪,同“穆”秦自缪公以来。——《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》穆斯林mùsīlín〖muslim〗伊斯兰教的皈依者或信徒;服从安拉意志的人◎ 记载来源:【午集下】【禾字部】◎ 康熙字典记载:〔古文〕???【广韵】【集韵】【韵会】...
In Time on Rock Anna Fleming charts two parallel journeys: learning the craft of traditional rock climbing, and the new developing appreciation of the natural world it brings her。 Through the story of her progress from terrified beginner to confident lead climber she shows us how pl...