Language is a natural thing, and evolves naturally within the interactive dynamics of human conversation, self-similar to the evolution of living things according to the interactive dynamics of the biosphere.Evewas the "mother of all the living" (Genesis 3:20), which is the Hebrew way of sayi...
adamitenoun(n.) A descendant of Adam; a human being. noun(n.) One of a sect of visionaries, who, professing to imitate the state of Adam, discarded the use of dress in their assemblies. adiaphoritenoun(n.) Same as Adiaphorist. ...
The scarcity of gametes often represents a major hindrance to overcoming spermatogenic failure through the use of assisted fertilization techniques. This induced us to attempt replication of the spermatozoon by "male genome cloning." We then investigated whether it is possible to induce human ...
Human Humane Humanist Humble Humdrum Humic Humid Humified Humoral Humorous Hunched Hundred Hungry Hunted Hurried Hurrying Hurt Hurtful Hushed Hyaline Hybrid Hydric Hydrous Hydroxy Hygienic Hymenal Hymeneal Hyoid Hypnoid Hypnotic Hysteric Iambic Icebound Ichorous Icky Iconic Ictal Icy Ideal Idle Idyllic ...
No organ or tissue of the human body is immune from the attack of the tubercle bacillus, although there are marked differences in the frequency with which different organs are infected. These differences are due to the degree to which the various organs are directly exposed to bacilli, to ...
GnRH neuronal activity varies across the lifespan as is reflected by changes in gonadotropin levels and, ultimately, gonadal steroid and gamete production. In the human, GnRH is detectable in the hypothalamus by 10 weeks gestational age with FSH and LH produced by 10–13 weeks ...
Institute of Human Genetics, University of Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany 2 Department of Human Genetics, Clinical Institute of Medical and Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Email: Juergen Neesen ( *Department of Human Genetic...
Filtering spermatozoa and removal of seminal plasma Preventing sperm phagocytosis by white blood cells within the female reproductive tract Providing a biochemical environment sufficient for sperm storage, capacitation, and migration The structure of the human cervix facilitates performance of the these state...