Russia's trend to sign bombs dropped on ISIS with "This is for Paris" found response in Obama administration's trend to sign American bombs with "Return to sender" University researchers of cultural appropriation quit upon discovery that their research is appropriation from a culture that created...
About a month after the Americans dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 and another one on Nagasaki on August 9, the 24-year-old Fujita traveled to the two cities to investigate the effects of the bombs. He picked through the rubble and analyzed the unique starburst burn ...
It all started with 33 cars polished and fueled, gleaming on a grid with the highest of hopes in the air along with with news helicopters, high-wire cameras and balloons. When it ended four hours later, some of the cars were still gleaming, while others had to be pulled from the back ...
I guess to explain the horrors of a nuclear war and how it migh Very well written and very well researched。 And scary as anything, as this could happen whilst I'm typing, let alone tomorrow。 Only yesterday, N Korea launched a long range solid fuel ICBM which landed off Japan, then ...
• Security forces battling a decades-long insurgency in Indian-controlled Kashmir reported the recent arrival in the disputed region of small, magnetic bombs that have wreaked havoc in Afghanistan. Note: This report is based on sources and information deemed to be true and reliable, but Dentons...