But Earl didn’t fall off the list until 2006—before that it was a Top 50 name until 1939 and then stayed in the Top 100 through 1954, attached to such distinguished figures as Chief Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren, banjo player Earl Scruggs and jazzman Earl‘Fatha’ Hines, as well ...
But when Adam goes to his registrar to try to register the domain, he discovers that Flying.banjo is not available to register and is, in fact, one of the so-called “premium” domains being held back by the registry. The domain Adam was expecting to be able to buy for $20 is actua...
The appropriately named Rio Dream is a four-string bass with a Novax fanned-fret design, on which its 24 banjo frets are angled across a multi-scale neck. Taylor had been using a Dingwall NG3 while tracking Duran Duran’s latest studio album, Future Past, and the Rio Dream evolved out...
samisennoun(n.) A Japanese musical instrument with three strings, resembling a guitar or banjo. samurainoun(n. pl. & sing.) In the former feudal system of Japan, the class or a member of the class, of military retainers of the daimios, constituting the gentry or lesser nobility. They ...
samisennoun(n.) A Japanese musical instrument with three strings, resembling a guitar or banjo. Rhyming Words According to First3Letters (sam) - Words That Begins with sam: samadjective(a.) Together. samaranoun(n.) A dry, indehiscent, usually one-seeded, winged fruit, as that of the as...
Banjo Bimbinette Bimby Bimby Luxus Bimby Teak Carina Espria Herold Konzert-Super Lavamat Longfresh Magnetophon Öko_Exclusiv Senator Super Super Banjo Super Carina Super-Geadem Supernova Tambour Unifox-Junior Univox Univox-Junior Vampyr Alliance ProMotion Alliance Semiconductor Alliant Techsystems ATK...
(3) 063 Jump Brass FastSynth Short Release D GM 106 Banjo Guitar/Plucked Plucked S GM 064 Synth Brass 2 FastSynth Short Release S GM 107 Shamisen Guitar/Plucked Plucked S g(1) 064 Synth Brass 4 FastSynth Long Release D GM 108 Koto Guitar/Plucked Plucked S g(2) 064 Analog Brass 2 ...
samisennoun(n.) A Japanese musical instrument with three strings, resembling a guitar or banjo. samurainoun(n. pl. & sing.) In the former feudal system of Japan, the class or a member of the class, of military retainers of the daimios, constituting the gentry or lesser nobility. They ...