在Delphi编程中,“delphi name not unique in this context”错误通常指的是在当前作用域内存在重复的标识符(变量名、函数名、过程名等)。这种错误会导致编译失败,因为编译器无法确定你引用的是哪一个标识符。下面是对这个错误的详细解释、常见原因、解决方法以及如何避免此类问题的建议。 1. 错误含义 “delphi name...
clientdataset.open 报错 Name not unique in this context clientdataset有一些自定义字段,clientdataset绑定了adoquery,但是看字段没有重复,clientDataSet的字段和ADOQuery的字段也没有重复. adoquery.open(); cds1.open();//error 与ADOQuery无关,单独打开 ds3->Open();也报错 绕了一大圈,才是某个字段不存在引起...
clientdataset.open 报错 Name not unique in this context clientdataset有一些自定义字段,clientdataset绑定了adoquery,但是看字段没有重复,clientDataSet的字段和ADOQuery的字段也没有重复. adoquery.open(); cds1.open();//error 与ADOQuery无关,单独打开 ds3->Open();也报错 绕了一大圈,才是某个字段不存在引起...
Name not unique in this context ???sSql := 'select pwd from oadbo.oc_dlgl ' +就不会,不知道是怎么回事 try 'where bsname = ''' + fisUser + '''; frmComm.commQry.close; frmComm.commQry.sql.clear; frmComm.commQry.sql.add(sSql); frmComm.commQry.open; 在这句掉足...
A better way to validate special characters in passwords? A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time A DataTable named 'tablename' already belongs to this DataSet. A field or property with the name X was not found on the selected ...
AProjectobject or a folderProjectItemobject. The file name generated is unique within this context. bstrDesiredExt String The name generated starts with this string. Returns String A string representing a file name that is unique in the project or project folder. If the first parameter is aProje...
gatewayId- Gateway entity identifier. Must be unique in the current API Management service instance. Must not have value 'managed'. hcId- Gateway hostname configuration identifier. Must be unique in the scope of parent Gateway entity. context- The context to associate ...
Indicates that the value of a static field is unique for a particular context. Convert Converts a base data type to another base data type. DataMisalignedException The exception that is thrown when a unit of data is read from or written to an address that is not a multiple of the data...
Provides a unique network address that a client uses to communicate with a service endpoint. EndpointAddressBuilder A factory for producing new (immutable) endpoint addresses with specific property values. EndpointIdentity An abstract class that when implemented provides an identity that enables the authe...
Gets all extended attributes (attributes not defined in the schema) of the current element. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement) Features Gets a IFeatureCollection for the current element. This feature collection will be read-only, but will inherit features from its parent part and package if availa...