您在某些模型定义中使用了models, Model而不是models.Model。Model类位于model模块中。这就是我们使用.而...
model = Model(emb_mat_token, emb_mat_glove, len(train_data_obj.dicts['token']), NameError: name 'Model' is not defined mldl@mldlUB1604:~/ub16_prj/ReSAN/SICK_rl_pub$
Here, the "type annotation [is] enclosed in quotes, making it a “forward reference”, to hide the [_LanguageModel] reference from the interpreter runtime." (directly quoting the docs.python.org paragraph about TYPE_CHECKING). langchain_community/llms/vertexai.py, line 126 is the line tha...
--nbest 1 --path /path/to/model --gen-subset $subset --results-path /path/to/save/results/for/sclite --w2l-decoder kenlm --lm-model /path/to/kenlm.bin --lm-weight 2 --word-score -1 --sil-weight 0 --criterion ctc --labels ltr --max-tokens 4000000 --post-process letter /ro...
manifest中无法设置自定义activity name:typeerror message:无法设置未定义,1、描述:无法设置未定义的属性“类型”uncaught(inpromise)typeerror:cannotsetproerty'type'ofundefined未捕获(承诺)类型错误:无法设置未定义的属性“类型”原因:没有对接口返回值,做非空
39, in <module> class AudioTrack(models.Model): File "/Users/home/Desktop/Web Development/Aptana Studio 3.0/musicproject/src/myapp/models.py", line 51, in AudioTrack audio_file = models.FileField(_("Audio file"), upload_to=get_audio_upload_path) NameError: name '_' is not defined ...
StructFormat This enumeration is not used. SystemColorMode SystemParameter Specifies the system parameter type. TabAlignment Specifies the locations of the tabs in a tab control. TabAppearance Specifies the appearance of the tabs in a tab control. TabControlAction Defines values representing TabControl...
在 Hadoop 初始化后,如果 NameNode 无法启动,可能是因为以下原因:配置错误:可能是配置文件中存在错误...
ValueError: <class 'NameError'>: "name 'self' is not defined" while evaluating 'action = {\n "type": "ir.actions.act_window",\n 修改views/views.xml文件的res_model, 修改为<field name="res_model">{}</field>中的{}包裹的内容