Meaning and Origin of the name Serena: Serena is a girl's name of Latin origin meaning “serene,”“calm,” and “tranquil.” The baby name Serena comes from the Latin word serēnus (meaning “clear,”“serene,” and “tranquil”). A saint in ancient Roman times was the first in reco...
I really like my name, Sienna, but I find it upsetting that the only definition of my name is "reddish brown". Why can't it have an actual meaning (example: delicate, kind, etc.) and not just some brown! It feels like an insult that there isn't a good definition of what my ...
My mom told me I was named after one of my great great great grandmothers that was a Cherokee princess and her name was Zabana or something like that, meaning SAVANNAH, also meaning 'great plain'. This is why I hate this name 'great plain'? Really? I want something that actually means...
Meaning: "happy" Description: Soft, simple, and far more unusual than Tara or Farrah. As a Japanese place name, it's been used occasionally as a surname and is beginning to be used as a first. Nara is also the name of a Hindu (male) God and the name means "man" in Hindi. ...
Irving didn’t invent the name; it’s a rare Biblical option with the unusual meaning of “without glory.” You won’t find any modern babies with this name, but I think “Icky” could be a cute nickname! Lenore: Eleanor is one of the most popular baby names right now, but ...
See the popularity of the baby name Sinclair over time, plus its meaning, origin, common sibling names, and more in BabyCenter's Baby Names tool.
Meaning: "falcon" Description: The eleventh brightest star in the sky has a celestial feel, but also could be the name of a commercial airline. Lila Origin: Arabic, Sanskrit Meaning: "night; play" Description: Lila is one of thegirl nameswith a double l sound — Lila, Lola, Layla, Lei...
I also really like the names Ursuline & Ursa, both related to Ursula. I would try to call in love (lol) with one of these. I like the above suggestions of Bernadette or Theodora or just straight Teddy. Wildcard: Saskia (meaning among other things Saxon - but Google says Hamburg was ...
Depending on the number of Chinese characters needed to write your name, basic wall scrolls start as low as $39.88 to $59.88All names are transliterated, which means they are designed to sound roughly the same using Mandarin Chinese sounds and characters. If your name has a direct meaning, ...
It has a good meaning, it is neither short nor long, it has a nice sonority, it looks elegant and feminine, and it ages very well over time. Also, if you prefer, you also have the option of Aurore, Aurelie or Aura. Seriously, think about it....