All information about the first name Iffaf. How common is the name Iffaf. Popularity of the name Iffaf in 39 countries, origin and meaning of the name Iffaf
If your name has a direct meaning, we can translate your name instead. Examples of names that can be translated, instead of transliterated include "Summer", "Joy" or "Angel".If you don't find your name below, just email me at
Here's a unique feature for the modern, tech-savvy, and curious parents – have your baby's name in a QR code. If you want your close circle to know your newborn's name, all you need to do is simply scan and share it. The code not only shows the name but its meaning as well...
The author has designated tentatively the subspecific name of the Japanese specimen of Fox Sparrow Passerella iliaca insularis Ridgway (Tori, no. 42: 119, 1936). But, comparing with the collection at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Barkley, California, it is identified as P. i. unalaschcens...
Actually, there are no feminine or masculine endings in Japanese names (except perhaps "ko", but that's tied into its meaning). The gender of a name depends on the meaning. For example, Aimi is a feminine name because it is a combination of the elements "love" and "beauty", and ...
The in Japanese* Romajisu Katakanaス Hiraganaす * This is a phonetic conversion, not a translation. Edit and Download this image The in sign language Edit and Download this image The in binary language 01110100 01101000 01100101 Origin and meaning of name The ...
Japanese Zaiden Increasing, Surplus American What names are similar to Jayden? Find a name that’s like Jayden, but just a little bit different. NameMeaningOriginPopularityOther Gender Bryson Son of Brice English Christian Follower of Christ ...
The name lists here collect popular baby names over time, highlight current baby name trends, and predict which baby names will be popular in the future. These lists look at name popularity from several angles, from names always in the Top 1000 to names climbing the fastest right now, from...
The name Asa is a boy's name of Hebrew, Japanese origin meaning "healer; born in the morning". A short but strong biblical name with multicultural appeal, Asa is enjoying new visibility thanks to hot young actor Asa Butterfield ofHugofame. ...
The following is an example of only name IDs 6 and 20 in the CFF OpenType Japanese font Kozuka Mincho Std Regular (other name IDs are also present in this font): 6. PostScript name:KozMinStd-Regular. Since a name ID 20 is present in the font (see below), then the PostScript name ...