这个是刚遇到的问题,在LZ自己手打Inception net的时候,想赋一个名字的时候出错,其实这就是命名错误的问题,如果仔细看“×”是我在中文下打的符号,python是不认的,解决方案是使用英文字母”x“代替,错误即可解决,而且也能看到使用的卷积核的大小。
return max_pool2d_with_indices(x, kernel_size) # type: ignore[name-defined] # noqa: F821 torch._dynamo.exc.BackendCompilerFailed: backend='compile_fn' raised: LoweringException: NameError: name 'max_pool2d_with_indices' is not defined target: aten.adaptive_max_pool2d.default args[0]: Te...
1 查看model.py文件,具体操作如: root@ubuntu118:/home/python/work/mysite/mysite/blog# ...
363 x = layers.GlobalMaxPooling2D()(x) --> 364 x = Flatten(name='flatten')(x) 365 # Ensure that the model takes into account 366 # any potential predecessors of input_tensor. NameError: name 'Flatten' is not defined Contributor gabrieldemarmiesse commented Oct 17, 2018 name xxx is...
在这里,我们使用在imagenet dataset上训练的权重,忽略最后一层(用于训练imagenet dataset中1000个类的...
您可以使用此代码片段来定义迁移学习模型。在这里,我们使用在imagenet dataset上训练的权重,忽略最后一层...
Clients will have to remap if they are using the server name (\server1\share) to map the folder, which does not exist now. If they are using IPaddress (generally we will not use IP address) and if it is not changed, then they do not need to remap. A workaround is to set a ne...
As the title says: Error message "A file name cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > | # { } % ~ &", - invalid filename error, but no invalid characters. This is a problem who suddenly appeared for one user in a large network. He has a Windows 7...