The bug here seems to come down to the fact that althoughxsyncis conditionally imported, it is still used unconditionally in some codepaths that are hit under Wayland. I'm not sure how this should be fixed. Maybe failing all else the commit that makes the import conditional should just be ...
(values='销售额', index='省/自治区', aggfunc=sum) # 把数据整理成绘图所需的列表格式,规范名称...# 图例字体颜色 textstyle_opts=opts.TextStyleOpts(color="#FFFFFF"))) # 隐藏文字标签 .set_series_opts...(label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(is_show=False)) ) # 在 Jupyter Lab 中第一次渲...
VectorOperator, opts *query.Options) model.VectorOperator { return &duplicateLabelCheckOperator{ OperatorTelemetry: model.NewTelemetry("[duplicateLabelCheck]", opts.EnableAnalysis), next: next, oper := &duplicateLabelCheckOperator{ next: next, } oper.OperatorTelemetry = model.NewTelemetry(oper, opts...
for debugging)# * a LogViewHandler to have the log available in the GUI# * a ErrorLabelHandler that visually notifies the user of an error or a warninglogger =
虽然许多编译器都至少会提醒不要使用未初始化变量,但是编译器并未被要求去检测未初始化变量的使用。而且,没有一个编译器能检测出所有未初始化变量的使用。 现象列举: 1、引起程序运行时突然崩溃 这种结果已近是相当好了,至少你可以发现程序崩溃的位置,及时的修正问题 2、程序运行成功但是结果错 ...
of <<"["<< rs->getName() <<"]"<<std::endl;constConfigOptionMap& opts = rs->getConfigOptions();for(ConfigOptionMap::const_iterator pOpt = opts.begin(); pOpt != opts.end(); ++pOpt) { of << pOpt->first <<"="<< pOpt->second.currentValue <<std::endl; ...
swConstrainedCornerAction_e Actions to take if the corner to be filleted is constrained or has a dimension. swConstrainedStatus_e Status of sketch constraints. swConstraintType_e Sketch constraints. swContactType_e Curve control contact types. swControlB...
autoTool.allowLabelOnFP (0x292BF8A) [Bool] autoTool.allowLabelOnBD (0x292BF8E) [Bool] autoTool.changeBoolValsOnFP (0x292BF92) [Bool] autoTool.changeBoolValsOnBD (0x292BF96) [Bool] autoTool.changeNumValsOnFP (0x292BF9A) [Bool] autoTool.changeNumValsOnBD (0x292BF9E) [Bo...
ratio calculate test-based confidence intervals graph odds against categories same as graph option, except include confidence intervals CI plot ciopts(rcap options) affect rendition of the confidence bands Plot marker options marker label options cline options change look of markers (color, size, etc...
bayesopts : fracreg logit depvar indepvars if in weight , options Syntax for fractional heteroskedastic probit regression bayes , bayesopts : fracreg probit depvar indepvars if in weight , het(varlist , offset(varnameo) ) options options Description Model noconstant offset(varname) ∗ het(va...