如果你需要在函数外部访问它,你需要将其作为函数的返回值,或者将其定义为全局变量(但通常不推荐这样做,因为它可能导致代码难以理解和维护)。 以上步骤应该能帮助你解决NameError: name 'x_train' is not defined的问题。如果问题仍然存在,请检查你的代码逻辑,确保x_train在使用前已经被正确定义和赋值。
Not sure, if this can be done directly. One way is by sampling the dataframe and then use it's unique names to setNames. library(dplyr) df <- iris %>% sample_n(size = 5) df %>% group_split(Species) %>% setNames(unique(df$Species)) #$setosa # A tibble: 1 x 5 # S...
Screening for endometrial carcinoma or its precursor, EIN, in asymptomatic, postmenopausal women is presently not recommended because of the low incidence of endometrial carcinoma in this group of women, estimated to be 1.7 cases per 1000 women per year, and the low...