NameError: name 'h' is not defined 错误,我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认'h'的定义位置: 检查你的代码,确认是否有一个变量或函数被命名为 h。例如: python h = 10 # 定义变量h print(h) # 正确输出10 如果在代码中找不到 h 的定义,那么就会抛出 NameError。检查'h'是否在当前作用域内...
def BMI(h,g): h = int(input("your height \n")) g = str(input("input your gender, 'male' or 'female' \n")) male = "male" female = "female" if g == male: w=22*((h)**2) if g == female: w=21*((h)**2) return(w) error code "name 'male' is not defined" ...
def kernel(func): is_classkernel = check_inside_class_by_stackframe() primal = Kernel(func, is_grad=False, ...) adjoint = Kernel(func, is_grad=True, ...) if is_classkernel: @functools.wraps(func) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): # TODO: 如何实现??? else: @functools.wraps(func)...
回答:python代码一直报错name &9;x&9; is not defined,怎么解决? 20 代码如下defmainfunc(a,b):globalxdeffirstfunc(a,b):n=min(a,b)foriinrange(n,0,-1):ifa%i==0andb%i==0:globalxx=ibreakreturnxdefsecondfunc(a,b):globalxg...
May I know how to correct the NameError: name 'xx' is not defined ? import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import svm, datasets # import some data to play with iris = datasets.load_iris() X =[:,[2,3]] y = iris.t
这行代码:url = ''放到:wb = openpyxl.Workbook()的上面,即可
IPython 安装好后,终端已经有语法高亮提示,并且response.body和response.headers都有返回值。 当我在In1:后面输入 hxs.path('//title') 回车 提示name 'hxs' is not defined。
IMPORTANT NOTICE If you do not complete the template below it is likely that your issue will not be addressed. When providing information about your issue please be as extensive as possible so that it can be solved by as little as possib...
mask_generator = SamAutomaticMaskGenerator(build_sam(checkpoint="../segment-anything/sam_vit_h_4b8939.pth")) def func(image): return mask_generator.generate(image) ex = dynamo.explain(func, image)[-1] print(ex) with the following error: ...