my ancestors. It was the underside of fear I loved, like the smoothest wool found on the underbelly of the coarsest/粗糙的/ sheep. I loved the boldness that was pushing me forward; it aroused/唤醒/ me, because it was born of arousal itself. “You’ll kill me if you stop”—or was...
But when Annie May Emms bought it, a tall, darkwood upright with "Dale Forty & Co, Birmingham & also at Cheltenham, Cardiff & Elsewhere" picked out in gold lettering on the underside of the lid, how could she have known what she was unlocking? If she had, maybe she would have tried...
my ancestors. It was the underside of fear I loved, like the smoothest wool found on the underbelly of the coarsest/粗糙的/ sheep. I loved the boldness that was pushing me forward; it aroused/唤醒/ me, because it was born of arousal itself. “You’ll kill me if you stop”—or was...