(a) the United States military presence in Puerto Rico, particularly on the island of Vieques; (b) the imprisonment in the United States of pro‐independence Puerto Ricans accused of seditious conspiracy and weapons possession; and (c) the application of the death penalty to Puerto Ricans ...
(a) the United States military presence in Puerto Rico, particularly on the island of Vieques; (b) the imprisonment in the United States of pro‐independence Puerto Ricans accused of seditious conspiracy and weapons possession; and (c) the application of the death penalty to Puerto Ricans ...
Did more Puerto Ricans soldiers really die in Vietnam War than from any state? Uncountable families of measurable sets with pairwise positive intersections Am I actually escaping Earth? Where's the Errata for Epic Inspiration? Would a torchship be legal? Has there ever bee...
Puerto Ricans in the Mid '80s: An American Challenge. Taken together, the contents of this document provide a picture of the Puerto Rican community, both on the mainland and on the island, in the mid-1980s. Fi... NPR Coalition,Inc,Alexandria - National Puerto Rican Coalition, Inc., 701...
When I run the code, the lineparseddate = dateutil.parser.parse(row[1])gives an errorname 'dateutil' is not defined I'm doing all this in Anaconda, and I checked that the python-dateutil package is installed and it is, version 2.8.1 ...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 美国各州名称及首府(Name and capital of the states of the United States).doc 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 美国各州名称及首府(Name and capital of the states of the United States) ...
Island Puerto Ricans were more likely to live with their parents (44% vs. 12%, p <. 001), and more New York IDUs lived in their own home (30% vs. 14%, p <. 001). In New York, gallery use and paid sex were associated with living in other's home, living in parent's home,...
The author is obviously giving a voice to the troubles of the Puerto Ricans but if you are writing fiction it is not meant for such serious reading and holds no interest for the general readers。 The book could easily have been shortened by a good 100 pages I thought。
Dominicans comprise the second largest Hispanic group in New York City after Puerto Ricans. Currently, Dominicans represent the largest number of Immigrant Naturalization Service-registered aliens in New York City (U.S. Bureau of Census, 1991). Given these demographic factors, the mental health ...
The results of studies conducted on Asian-Americans, Hispanics (Mexican-Americans and Puerto Ricans), and Blacks on the Scholastic Aptitude Test are described and then synthesized across studies. Where the groups were limited to include only examinees who spoke English as their best language, very ...