Applied by the Romans to Greek Aphrodite, Egyptian Hathor, etc. Applied by 1570s in English to any beautiful, attractive woman. As "statue or image of Venus," by 1560s; in reference to paleolithic female figurines with exaggerated features by 1912. ...
aIt tries to undermine the patriarchal and hierarchical system in which men are regarded as "active", "dominating", "rational" and woman as "passive",“submissive" and "emotional": 它设法破坏人被认为“激活”, “控制”, “合理”和妇女作为“被动”, “服从”和“情感”的家长式和分级系统:[tra...
A young unmarried woman or a girl; as, she is a miss of sixteen. noun (n.) A kept mistress. See Mistress, 4. noun (n.) In the game of three-card loo, an extra hand, dealt on the table, which may be substituted for the hand dealt to a player. noun (n.) The act of ...
The species resemble edible mushrooms, and are frequently mistaken for them. Amanita muscaria, syn. Agaricus muscarius, is the fly amanita, or fly agaric; and A. phalloides is the death cup. incognita noun (n.) A woman who is unknown or in disguise. noun (n.) The state of being in...
a他为人居心险恶,虚伪自私,下流无赖,然而在舅舅面前却装得十分恭顺、谦虚,因而也博得了舅舅的欢心。 His manner mind is dangerous, false selfish, obscene rascal, however installs actually in front of the uncle extremely respectfully and submissively, modest, thus has also won uncle's favor.[translate...
In a hostel in Exeter she meets Parvin, who is a second generation immigrant Asian woman on the run from an arranged marriage. Parvin helps Salma to find work as a seamstress and a permanent place to live. These events are depicted with a hint of detachment: for instance, Salma states ...
S177Be not submissive nor overbearing S178The gains do not make up for the losses S179One is bold and confident when doing a just cause S180Looks like right, but is actually wrong S181Full of energy like the morning air S182Fight poison with poison ...
The Greek tragedy, \"Medea,\" by Euripides, is the tale of a woman scorned and her tactful revenge. During the era in which Medea takes place, society often placed women into submissive roles. However, the play Medea challenges the conventional customs of Greece. Euripides displays the nonco...
she was pretty limitless in activity. Her need for exercise kept me accountable. I couldn’t drink too much at night like a normal twenty something because she would need to go running in the morning before I went to work. When I was single I never went home with weird dudes because I...
“She felt not abandoned but humiliated, and although she had admitted to herself that she wasn’t the right woman for him, she still found it unbearable that he, disappearing from her life after only twenty-three days, had brutally confirmed it.”她萬念俱灰,準備以死消除自己在世上的痕跡,...